Find what you need quickly. Prevent buying duplicates. Avoid outdated foods taking up space. Feel better.

Find what you need quickly. Prevent buying duplicates. Avoid outdated foods taking up space. Feel better.

A 5S space organization is a systematic way to organize a space the makes it easy to maintain and difficult to return to the mess it once was. The goal with 5S is to completely calm the clutter in your spaces. This means taking the guess work out of finding items and creating complete ease in putting items where they belong. Spaces that are lived in get messy, but with using the 5S method, clutter will disappear.

What are the 5 S's?

Sort: Identify everything that is needed and not needed in a space

Set-in-Order: Give everything a clear home, label, label, label. This is a critical step and where you build the system that can easily sustained

Shine: Allows easy access to maintain a clean space

Standardize: Create a quick task to maintain the space (less than 5 minutes a day)

Sustain: Do the task daily to ensure sustainability


All packages include a virtual 5S Coaching. Because each space is different, we charge an hourly rate for In-person 5S organization. The difference between you organizing the space and our team helping you is the 5th "S", Sustain. We guide you in creating an organized space that makes it easy to sustain with less than 3 minutes of daily maintenance. You will immediately feel the calm and ease after doing a 5S.

Warning...5S is super contagious! You will experience massive amounts of calm and joy immediately!

The In-person 5S sessions include:

  • Initial assessment and plan with time estimate
  • Team up with you to 5S your space
  • Labeling
  • Product recommendations (purchased by the client)
  • Boxes for sorting trash, storage, and donation
  • Donation drop off
  • Time varies depending on the size of the space and amount of items
  • Rate: $90/hour (starts after 30 minutes of travel time)